“You Can’t Secure What You Can’t See” – Authomize CTO Gal Diskin on Identity, Access, and the Cloud

“You Can’t Secure What You Can’t See” – Authomize CTO Gal Diskin on Identity, Access, and the Cloud


**EPISODE LINKS** Authomize: https://www.authomize.com/ Identiverse: https://identiverse.com/ FindBiometrics Financial Identity Summit: https://web.cvent.com/event/20454161-8e78-4ae6-bc85-df7aa59a037b/summary On this episode of ID Talk, FindBiometrics' Doug OGorden speaks to Gal Diskin, Co-founder and CTO of Authomize — a leader in cloud-based authorization management. The conversation begins by highlighting big takeaways from this summer’s Identiverse conference in Colorado and introducing Authomize’s key competencies. OGorden and Diskin go on to illustrate the current business landscape in which we have come to expect Everything-as-a-Service, and how Authomize fits into that paradigm, before digging into the importance of educating the broader public about identity and access management. They discuss how Authomize works with biometrics, the company’s keen collaborative attitude, and what’s next for the company. It's a fascinating conversation about an increasingly important segment of the identity space.
**EPISODE LINKS** Authomize: https://www.authomize.com/ Identiverse: https://identiverse.com/ FindBiometrics Financial Identity Summit: https://web.cvent.com/event/20454161-8e78-4ae6-bc85-df7aa59a037b/summary On this episode of ID Talk, FindBiometrics' Doug OGorden speaks to Gal Diskin, Co-founder and CTO of Authomize — a leader in cloud-based authorization management. The conversation begins by highlighting big takeaways from this summer’s Identiverse conference in Colorado and introducing Authomize’s key competencies. OGorden and Diskin go on to illustrate the current business landscape in which we have come to expect Everything-as-a-Service, and how Authomize fits into that paradigm, before digging into the importance of educating the broader public about identity and access management. They discuss how Authomize works with biometrics, the company’s keen collaborative attitude, and what’s next for the company. It's a fascinating conversation about an increasingly important segment of the identity space.