Maxine Most Sees a Bigger Pie for the Biometrics Industry

Maxine Most Sees a Bigger Pie for the Biometrics Industry


Acuity Market Intelligence's Maxine Most joins the podcast this week to discuss her groundbreaking Prism Project and its first financial services-focused report. Among other things, Max discusses the critical need for better education and communication about biometrics, and why collaboration can exponentially increase the size of the market pie that biometrics can address. Learn more about Acuity and The Prism Project via the links below:
Acuity Market Intelligence's Maxine Most joins the podcast this week to discuss her groundbreaking Prism Project and its first financial services-focused report. Among other things, Max discusses the critical need for better education and communication about biometrics, and why collaboration can exponentially increase the size of the market pie that biometrics can address. Learn more about Acuity and The Prism Project via the links below: