ISC West: LenelS2's Haim Shain on Face Biometrics and Everything the Cloud Has to Offer

ISC West: LenelS2's Haim Shain on Face Biometrics and Everything the Cloud Has to Offer


**EPISODE LINKS** Learn more about LenelS2: Live from ISC West: FindBiometrics Director of Digital Media and Events Doug OGorden catches up with Haim Shain, Senior Director of Product Management for LenelS2. Shain gives OGorden a rundown of the new aiNode intelligent device, which marks LenelS2’s foray into face-based identity technology and boasts advanced security features like 3D liveness detection. They also discuss LenelS2’s larger security portfolio – including the Elements system, which is built from the ground up to take advantage of what cloud technology has to offer – and conclude by speculating on the future of identity as our physical and digital lives converge.
**EPISODE LINKS** Learn more about LenelS2: Live from ISC West: FindBiometrics Director of Digital Media and Events Doug OGorden catches up with Haim Shain, Senior Director of Product Management for LenelS2. Shain gives OGorden a rundown of the new aiNode intelligent device, which marks LenelS2’s foray into face-based identity technology and boasts advanced security features like 3D liveness detection. They also discuss LenelS2’s larger security portfolio – including the Elements system, which is built from the ground up to take advantage of what cloud technology has to offer – and conclude by speculating on the future of identity as our physical and digital lives converge.