ID Talk at ISC East – ZKTeco USA President Manish Dalal on the Importance of Biometrics Education

ID Talk at ISC East – ZKTeco USA President Manish Dalal on the Importance of Biometrics Education


FindBiometrics is reporting live from New York this week at the ISC East security conference. Our own Doug OGorden is on the exhibition floor speaking to the leading biometrics and identity vendors at the show, getting a read on the pulse of our dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. In this special episode OGorden speaks to Manish Dalal, President and Founder of ZKTeco USA. Dalal speaks on the importance of ISC East and the success of the 2021 edition, where ZK is showcasing its full product portfolio. He goes on to discuss the importance of education and awareness when it comes to the acceptance of biometric security solutions before delving into the finer details of OSDP and offering some exciting 2021 highlights. It’s a fascinating conversation form an industry pioneer. Learn more about the topics discussed in this episode at:
FindBiometrics is reporting live from New York this week at the ISC East security conference. Our own Doug OGorden is on the exhibition floor speaking to the leading biometrics and identity vendors at the show, getting a read on the pulse of our dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. In this special episode OGorden speaks to Manish Dalal, President and Founder of ZKTeco USA. Dalal speaks on the importance of ISC East and the success of the 2021 edition, where ZK is showcasing its full product portfolio. He goes on to discuss the importance of education and awareness when it comes to the acceptance of biometric security solutions before delving into the finer details of OSDP and offering some exciting 2021 highlights. It’s a fascinating conversation form an industry pioneer. Learn more about the topics discussed in this episode at: